Last fall, when I was interviewing for a job, I found myself rounding up my age to 27. Sounds ridiculous, I know, but I have found that when looking at a potential manager, people tend to evaluate my age even before my abilities come under question. So, I would find myself rounding my age to some respectable but youthful age. Now, I don't have to do that, because I've hit that supposed respectable number. So, in my 27 years, what have I learned?

Well, I learned to gut a fish (tastes great with a balsamic reduction)

I learned that I love speed boats and sunny days

That I love to try good food

That my husband is the best partner with whom I could have picked to ride this crazy journey.

New friends, new ideas are great.
That matching outfits is hilarious and flattering. My rule of thumb is "would Brittany wear this?"

I hope this is the best year yet!