Saturday, November 1, 2008


Our Sunday morning "Young Adults" Group got together on Friday night and had a Halloween party and game night. We enjoyed some tasty food - including my mom's white chicken chili a la Kimberly, tasty sugar cookies lovingly cut to festive shapes by Terra, nachos, gluten free corn bread from Katie, coffee, and caramel cereal and nut mix. The Jubas bravely opened their home for us, and 9 of us descended on their home.

Brian Muench won the costume contest as Charlie Chaplin -- complete with an authentic mustache, split toe shoes, and pants held up by string. Jordane Ripke won second with her 1940s private eye costume, sporting a skirt set, shotgun and holster, and a badge. Luke Arledge won third with his impressive Clark Kent costume -- such a secret superhero that we couldn't even tell what he was. Honorable mentions are Ryan Lindsey with his Scottish Rugby player, Josh as the Therapist, Katie as a crazy chemist (crazy added for effect), Morgan (Jordane's friend) with the flower child, -- although we could have believed "blind girl from Shyamalan's The Village." The Jubas came as "proud college parent" and "tired but cheerful teacher." I was a barista -- I know, big departure!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sad that I missed that! Looks like you guys had a blast and I can see why Brian won the costume contest!!! Miss you!
