We went to the state fair this year, and this is my second state fair ever, I think. The World Cafe (www.worldcafes.net), for whom I have been doing menu development and nutrition analyses, hosted a cooking demo at the fair, so I had a chance to test my ability to cook and speak at the same time. I drew on my years of experience watching television chefs, and I think we did fairly well.
I taught guests how to prepare Greek Chicken, a meal based on recipes written by Graham Kerr (The Galloping Gourmet - www.grahamkerr.com) and created by Day by Day Gourmet (www.daybydaygourmet.com). It's an easy meal, because it's prepared in various steps and placed in storage bags. All I had to do is thaw it, follow the directions, and plate it beautifully. Kassi was my beautiful assistant, Brad did the big selling, and Felicia did a lot of the sampling work. We were a great team! The photos were taken by our graphics girl, Jess Lundie.
Finally, the Fair Scone is famous. People apparently buy dozens of them to take home, and the mixes are sold in packages. All you do is add water. I bought two. One with jelly and one plain. Not bad... but not the scone I was expecting. Although it's more like a triangular biscuit, it lacked the creaminess and the underlying sweetness that I'd gotten used to in a scone. It tasted like a less-bitter Bisquick biscuit. Eh... I probably wouldn't rush out to get them again. But for $1.25 it's one of the cheapest eats at the fair.
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