We walked down the hills towards Admiralty in the most circuitous manner I could imagine. Rather than taking the staircases that turned out to be directly below us, we walked about a mile west and then headed north to the Admiralty area. We saw one Maserati and one Lotus while we walked, and we also saw several BMWs, Mercedes, and Hondas zoom by us. All through our walk, we were surrounded by tall apartment buildings that rose from the hillside. These apartments usually had 15 or more levels, and they were not all new. Some of them looked like they'd been around for thirty or forty years.
We also found Starbucks and McDonalds. I really don't want to eat there, but I am also curious about the slight differences between the menus. Starbucks here is apparently run by a third party as a franchise, rather than the American corporate-run businesses. McDonalds is already franchised, and the menu is updated to incorporate more Asian cuisine. The double Fish Filet comes with a side of wasabi, and the McRib is covered in teriyaki sauce. We haven't examined Starbucks' menu yet.
Wenda, our main contact here at Mother's Choice, walked us to Wan Chai, which is a local's shopping district composed mostly of small shops and open air stalls. We had to purchase white shoes for the Wee Care facility, and we wanted to buy some groceries for our flat. I'll detail Wan Chai and downtown walking soon. Eventually, we hauled our bags back to the Hopewell Tower and then caught a taxi to take us the rest of the way to Mother's Choice.
We have the next two days free to continue acclimating to Hong Kong. We'll soon be getting local mobile phone sim cards so that we'll have local phone numbers, and we'll start getting familiar with street names.
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