Sunday, September 15, 2019

J&K on the Road

We’ve talked a lot about traveling to Europe. I always intended to do a semester abroad, but my ROTC scholarship schedule had made it seem unreachable. Josh had traveled to Portugal and Spain for a summer to teach English, but we never got further than the U.K. together. Years go by, and we picked up jobs and made smaller or priority trips.

Josh and I have been traveling before, but this is the first time we’ve signed up for a planned vacation. We don’t normally do package trips, but we were invited to join the adventure after a schedule opening left some friends without travel clients for two weeks.

Our friends, Shawn Frederick and Anne Gayer, recently founded the Adriatic Academy, after deciding that they would love to share their home-away-from home Croatia with friends. We met them during our trip through the Grand Canyon. We stayed in touch and through various subsequent visits in the LA area, we found common ground in our love for outdoors and travel.

This year, we’ve crossed a few milestones, including paying off our school loans and downsizing. When the school year ended, we both decided to leave our jobs and travel while we had the means, the time, and the least obligations. We’re finally traveling Europe, starting with the Adriatic Academy in Croatia, and will be wending (or winding) our way west to Portugal.

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